Nashville, Tenn. (April 2nd, 2019) -- The Nashville Sports Council has announced a direct economic impact of $23,483,541 for the 2019 SEC Men’s Basketball Tournament hosted in Nashville, March 13-17, 2019. Previously hosted in 2001*, 2006, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2016, and 2017, this year’s event marked the eighth time Nashville has hosted the tournament at Bridgestone Arena.
Through the Nashville Sports Council's Scorecard analysis, which involves surveying attendees both at the event and post-event, the 2019 tournament brought a record-setting 210,212 spectators to Bridgestone Arena over five days. The semifinal session of the tournament on Saturday afternoon featuring Kentucky and Tennessee set the single session record attendance with 20,933 fans in Bridgestone Arena. Additionally, survey results indicated that the SEC Tournament visitors spent an average of $286.37 per day and produced 12,212 hotel room nights.
Furthermore, all 12 games were televised to a national audience, with early rounds broadcast via the SEC Network and the semifinals and championship game airing on ESPN.
“The SEC Men’s Basketball Tournament continues to deliver a tremendous economic impact on our city and promotes Nashville to millions of viewers across the country,” said Scott Ramsey, President, and CEO of the Nashville Sports Council. ”With the tournament secure in Nashville through 2035, the SEC Basketball Tournament has become one of Nashville’s most successful weeks during the year.”
The 2019 tournament marked the first year of a 17-year agreement with the SEC to host the Men’s and Women’s Basketball Championships through 2035. The 2020 SEC Men’s Basketball Tournament will return to Bridgestone Arena on March 11-15.

*Economic impact of 2001 tournament was estimated at $8,000,000. The tournament took place before the development of scorecard analysis. **SEC Men’s Basketball Tournament expanded from four days to five days with the addition of Wednesday night session. ***Non-attendee visitor spending tracked in 2016-2019
About the Nashville Sports Council The Nashville Sports Council is a private, non-profit, membership-based organization of area corporations and individual sports enthusiasts. Created in 1992, the Nashville Sports Council’s mission is to positively impact the economy and quality of life of the Greater Nashville Area by attracting and promoting professional and amateur sporting events. The Nashville Sports Council has hosted hundreds of major sporting events that have produced more than $930 million in direct economic impact for the region.
For more information call 615.743.3120 or visit NashvilleSports.com. Follow the Nashville Sports Council on Facebook and Twitter.
Official Twitter Platforms: Nashville Sports Council: @NashvilleSports Bridgestone Arena: @BrdgstoneArena SEC Sports: @SEC